Education Advisory Council


The Education Advisory Council (EAC)  serves as an advisory group to the University of Minnesota’s Curriculum and Assessment Committees, including Medical School Education Council (MSEC), the Committee for Undergraduate Medical Education in Duluth (D-SFC), the Clinical Education Committee (CEC), the Scientific Foundations Committee (TC-SFC), and the Assessment Committee (AC). The EAC reviews current and emerging educational issues and recommends actions to the relevant Committees. Issues include but are not limited to those that affect both horizontal and vertical integration of curriculum across campuses; emerging curricular challenges at the national level; strategic visioning related to curriculum and/or assessment; strategies for ensuring we meet strategic goals. At times, the EAC may act on directives by the MSEC to review specific educational issues.


Chair: The Committee is chaired by a Vice Chair for Education for one of the Foundational Science or Clinical Departments

Administrative partner: Associate Dean for UME

CEC Chair

D-SFC Chair

TC-SFC Chair

MSTP Representative

Assistant Dean for Curriculum

Assistant Dean for Assessment and Program Evaluation

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs

Assistant Dean for Curriculum, Duluth

At least three students: one from Duluth first two years, one from TC first two years and one from the third/fourth years.  Students will serve two years.

Meeting Frequency

The EAC will meet monthly with the option for additional ad hoc meetings depending on the acuity of the issue being addressed.