Viviane Leuche, MD


Name: Viviane Leuche, MD

Hometown: Douala, Cameroon

Undergraduate school attended: University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Hobbies: I love photography, outdoor activities mainly hiking. I tried mountain biking and trying to get more into it. Once in a while I chip away at one of the 50+ books (fiction and non-fiction) that I have.

Languages you speak? French and English

Furthest I've traveled from home? Technically the United States - I have been to Alaska and Hawaii and those were the furthest away from Douala, Cameroon.

Favorite activity in the Twin Cities? Running along the Mississippi River, hiking around Fort Snelling and Minnehaha Park or Afton State Park, being outside during the fall to appreciate the colors. 

What is your specialty? Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM)

Why I chose my specialty? I picked pediatrics initially because I enjoyed working with that patient population the most. Kids are really fun and have the best jokes :), are usually carefree and can usually calm down with bubbles which I carry everywhere (almost). I picked PEM because I wanted to gain skills in caring for really sick kids and be more comfortable with pediatric procedures. I also have an interest in Global Health and with my PEM-training, I am able to apply these skills, provide teaching and mentorship to other communities.

Why Medicine? I was inspired by my own pediatrician while I was growing up, to become a doctor. I loved science growing up, I would read a medical atlas for fun and I love the ability to have learned so much and being able to provide care or reassurance in times of illness, comfort and compassion in times of vulnerability to families. I loved my time at the University of Minnesota, the support I got from the Minority Affairs and Diversity Office, the friends I made who have become life friends, the mentors that have provided career guidance along the way.