Domestic Away Rotations

A general timeline of the away rotation process.

Away Rotation Basics

Preparation for Applications

  • Checklist to use for each school - Resource to track pertinent information for each application. Not all of the information will be applicable for every school or program.
  • Documents to gather and where to find them - Common documents that are requested by away rotation sites and instructions on where to go to obtain documentation if needed.
  • Affiliation agreements - Sites that we have worked with and have an established affiliation agreement. Contact [email protected] immediately if working with a site that is requesting an affiliation agreement.
    • The UMN Medical School does not require affiliation agreements with other LCME accredited medical schools. We do require affiliation agreements with teaching hospitals and sites hosting individualized experiences. Please reach out to the VSLO coordinator to set up an affiliation agreement if you plan to participate in an away rotation at a teaching hospital or if you plan to pursue an individualized experience for your away rotation.
    • Other LCME accredited medical schools may require an affiliation agreement with the UMN as a prerequisite to your participation. Please contact [email protected] immediately if working with a site that is requesting an affiliation agreement.
  • Popular Institutions for Away Rotations - A general list complied by the VSLO coordinator with application information about specific institutions that are popular among UMN medical students. 
  • Where students have gone in the past - A general list of the number of students by institution and department.
  • Site evaluations of previous away rotation sites - Site evaluations filled out by former students that provide additional information that may help with the decision of where to rotate. 
  • Clerkship Evaluation Dashboard - Elective Away for Credit - Site evaluations filled out by former students displayed in an aggregate dashboard that may help with the decision of where to rotate. 
  • List of students willing to be contacted - Since this has student contact information in it, it is protected by UMN x500 and requires a sign in using (rather than
  • FARMS Database or Funded Away Rotations for Minority Medical Students - an online directory of programs that offer stipends to minority students pursuing away rotations at their institutions. This resource is maintained and regularly updated by Medical Student Pride Alliance (MSPA).
  • Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) - Students are able to view different institutions and search the electives offered though the "Search Electives" feature.
  • Please consider the timing of the Clinical Skills Examination - Year 3 CCA, which is required for graduation, in your plans. 

Apply for Away Rotations

  • VSLO Fees and FAQ
  • VSLO Application Instructions - Guides put out by VSLO on how to utilize the system.
  • For direct applications, please enter [email protected] if asked for an email for verification.
  • Once students have accepted away rotations, they can complete the INMD 7554/7555 application, also found in the course directory, to have it added to their schedule.
    • INMD 7554 - Not Hands On
    • INMD 7555 - Hands On
      • An away rotation qualifies for hands on credit if the student spends at least 50% of the time devoted to direct patient care and/or performing activities of a professional in that specialty.
  • Approval to take an elective away for credit with registration at the University of Minnesota for INMD 7554/7555 must be done at least four weeks in advance before beginning the elective away for credit. Retroactive credit will not be granted for a complete or partially completed away rotation.

Attend Away Rotations

  • To receive a grade for the course, students will work with the rotation to have a performance assessment completed. The clinical performance assessment form can be used and uploaded with this link. The form and upload link can also be found in the course directory.
    • Your away rotation evaluation is not stored in VSLO; however, the VSLO coordinator will keep a copy of your completed evaluation in their records. If you would like a copy of your away rotation evaluation, please contact the VSLO coordinator at [email protected]. They will send you a copy for your records. 
  • Students must complete an evaluation of their elective away in MedHub after the completion of their course.