Application and Reports

The online application will not allow you to save your progress as you complete the application, please use this sample application to gather your information so it is easier for you to enter it all at once into the final application

Application Requirements:

  • Requests will NOT be considered by the Flexible MD Oversight Committee until receipt of a FULLY COMPLETED application (including the research mentor letter outlined in bullet below)
  • Students participating in a RESEARCH experience are REQUIRED to attach a letter to their application from their research preceptor or mentor acknowledging that they approve of you participating in this research experience and that they have reviewed your goals and are prepared to guide you and help you achieve those goals (see application for full instructions and place to attach the letter)

Application Submission Process:

If interested in pursuing a Flexible MD, here are your next steps:

    1. Meet and discuss your plans with your Faculty Advisor, then...
    2. Complete a draft application, then...
    3. Meet with your Academic Advisor - Please visit your Academic Advisor's scheduling link to set up a meeting (Abbe's link, Addy's link, Betsy's link).  At this meeting your academic advisor will review your draft application, offer feedback and go over scheduling options. *
  2. UPDATE YOUR APPLICATION - Make adjustments to your application based on feedback from your Academic Advisor.
  4. MEET WITH FINANCIAL AID - The Medical School Financial Aid Office will reach out to you via email to schedule a 1:1 meeting. 

* DU students: If you do not yet have a TC Academic Advisor please select any listed on the form. For this required meeting an Academic Advisor will reach out to coordinate a phone call or video meeting.


At each meeting listed below, the Flexible MD Overview Committee will review applications/proposals for experiences that begin during the next upcoming semester.

Fall semester 
Senior year: Spring semester**
June meeting*
Spring semester October meeting*
May/June March meeting*
July/August April meeting*

*For exact meeting dates, contact Addy Irvine, [email protected].
** Applications from fourth year students will not be accepted after the June Committee meeting of their fourth year. Applications will not be accepted from senior students after residency match.

Final Report:

  • Final Report - Due one month after returning to the regular curriculum.