Department Course Number Title Course Director(s) MS Year Terms Offered Campus Prerequisites
FMED 6957 Medical Education through Diversity Services (MEDS) Amy Seip, MBA MS1 Fall


FMED 6987 Obstetrical Longitudinal Course Dr. Jen Pearson MS1 Fall


FMED 6462 Family Medicine Preceptorship Dr. Emily Onello MS1 Fall


MED 6728 Cardiovascular, Resp.,Renal, Acid-base Medicine (CRRAB) II Dr. Heather Muster MS2 Fall Duluth


MED 6566 Cardiovascular, Resp.,Renal, Acid-base Medicine (CRRAB) I Dr. Kendra Nordgren MS2 Fall Duluth


MED 6531 Rural Medical Scholars Program II Dr. Ray Christensen, Dr. Emily Onello MS2 Fall Duluth


MED 6023 Seminars in Native American Health Dr. Mary Owen MS1, MS2 Fall Duluth


MED 6788 Skin Musculoskeletal Medicine Dr. Kevin Diebel MS1 Fall


MED 6102 Introduction to Rural Family Medicine & Native American Health Dr. Sandy Stover, Dr. Mary Owen MS1 Fall


MED 6530 Rural Medical Scholars Program I Dr. Emily Onello, , MS1 Fall


MED 6520 Foundations of Medicine Dr. Aubie Shaw, Dr. Ryan Harden MS1 Fall


ANES 7187 Perioperative Clinic Rotation Dr. Lisa Sun MS3, MS4 Fall, Spring, Summer Twin Cities

MED 7500 and SURG 7550

SURG 7515 Acting Internship in Vascular Surgery Dr. Randi Lassiter MS3, MS4 Fall, Spring, Summer Twin Cities

SURG 7550

MED 7540 Internal Medicine Research Elective Dr. James Nixon MS3, MS4 Fall, Spring, Summer Twin Cities


INMD 7110 REACH LIC Medicine 1 Dr. Rachel Dahms, Dr. Ashley Dohlen MS3 Fall, Spring, Summer Twin Cities


INMD 7114 REACH LIC Ob/Gyn Dr. Rachel Dahms, Dr. Ashley Dohlen MS3 Fall, Spring, Summer Twin Cities


INMD 7112 REACH LIC Psychiatry Dr. Rachel Dahms, Dr. Ashley Dohlen MS3 Fall, Spring, Summer Twin Cities


PED 7541 Pediatric ENT Elective Dr. Brianne Roby MS3, MS4 Fall, Spring, Summer Twin Cities

All MS3 core required clerkships

INMD 7650 Flex 5 Individualized Acting Internship Scott Davenport MS4 Fall, Spring, Summer Twin Cities

Acceptance into Flex 5 program, approved course application

INMD 6824 Foundations of Clinical Thinking 1A Kate Shafto, MD, FAAP, FACP CTropMed, Ife Ojo, MBBS, MPH MS1 Fall Twin Cities